Akim Gyadam Health and Sanitation Project
The Province of Antwerp and the City of Antwerp from Belgium and FOS through Okyeman Union and Coliso Ghana have constructed a 8 room toilet and bath facility for Akim Gyadam clinic patients under the Akim Gyadam Health and sanitation project.
The sanitation part comes in addition to the health facility which was constructed in 2012 with funding from the City of Antwerp for the people of Akim Gyadam community members. Akim Gyadam is a settlement in the Birim Central Municipality in the Eastern of Region of Ghana.
The clinic is under the management of Birim Central Municipal Health Administration with directives and supervision from the Ghana Health Service.
The clinic supervisor emphasized on the positive notes the project has uplifted towards the activities of the clinic, such as the effectiveness AFP test and UPT cases.
The Birim Central Municipal Health Directorate, the Hon. Member of parliament, the chief and elders of the community expressed their gratitude towards the success of the project and also reached out for other developmental projects as well.
This project is in line with the Ghana Health Service Program.